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Suffolk New York Form 911: What You Should Know

Suffolk County (County) Taxpayers and the Department of Taxation, to the extent permitted by law, are to conduct: a thorough and  adequate investigation of this incident, its possible cause and extent of the damage, and the implementation of corrective measures to  address these, and provide written recommendations which provide a plan for resolution of the issue.  This will lead to a correction of any deficiencies as  corrected, and this will constitute a compliance audit. Any deficiencies will be  corrected as well as remedied by the County by performing the above listed  procedures. It is our intention to audit, with the assistance of the Office of the Agency Superintendent for the County of Suffolk, the system of records for this  office. This will be accomplished through the Department of Taxation. The Department has  been granted the authority to perform these audits at the cost and within the  scope of this contract. This will be accomplished through the NY State Tax Commissioner's office.  It is our intention to perform an audit of the NY State Tax Commission's Electronic System of Records. Our report will be part of our periodic audit reports.  County of Nassau An internal audit report will be generated on the following activities for Fiscal Year 2025 (FY 2018-19)  and every fiscal year thereafter on the date of the fiscal year in which those activities were  conducted, with no more than 5 years of that fiscal year remaining in any given fiscal  year. To help the State budget and finance efficiently, there are currently no ongoing  audit requirements on the Department of Taxation of the Nassau County Department of Taxation.  All audits are performed on the taxpayer's behalf. Each year, all records are reviewed to  make sure nothing is missing, incorrect, or incomplete. Suffolk County Court | Courts.GOV Suffolk County Legislature — Nassau County Government The Office of the Nassau County Legislature has not been subject to an audit. The Nassau County Legislature's electronic system for electronic government files was hacked on  the second day of February 2018. The system was compromised and the data of several  statements was accessed by an unauthorized person who gained access by using a social media app.

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