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Taxpayer Advocate Form: What You Should Know

Name of agency from which they are filing their complaints. 5. Contact telephone number (include area code and phone number) 6. Email address. (Do NOT use Yahoo and Hotmail unless you have authorization and are paying for a secure email address to avoid spam/hacking attempts.) 7. Telephone number (include area code and phone number) 8. Fax number. 8A. If no one will be responsible for the problem and the IRS will be responsible for resolving the problem, attach and sign Form 2848. (Do not use Yahoo and Hotmail unless you have authorization and are paying for a secure email address to avoid spam/hacking attempts.) Section III — Complaint Information (Attach Form 2848 if not already on file with the IRS.) 1. Name of the taxpayer/reporter, or other individual. 2. Contact information including: (1) name of the place where the taxpayer files federal tax returns and (2) the phone number of the consumer reporting agency. 3. Date of complaint.  (Remember, this is the date you will report your problem; do not attach this form to your Form 2848 until this date.) 4. Address where the IRS can direct you to file a complaint.  If you have moved, you need to tell us the new street address. 5. The complaint must comply with Section 1021. (For more details about reporting on Form 2848, see below.) 6. Reason why you believe the IRS should be involved. 7. Date of transaction, or if the complaint date is not known, the date the taxpayer is supposed to have filed his/her return but did not do so.  If the taxpayer has no such return, tell us the taxpayer's name.  If the taxpayer filed a return but cannot provide documentation whether the return was filed, tell us all necessary facts from the return that clearly establish the taxpayer's identity and taxpayer status.  If the taxpayer filed a return but did not file an amended return to the manner required by law, tell us all necessary facts from the return with respect to the amended return. 8. The statement must comply with Section 1021 of the Internal Revenue Code. (For more details about reporting on Form 2848, see below.) 9. In the case of a suspected fraudulent return, the statement must: (1) Identify the fraudulent return; (2) Describe the fraud and why the IRS should be involved; and 10.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Taxpayer advocate

Instructions and Help about Taxpayer advocate

We're not just dealing with one specific type of issue. We're dealing with all facets of the IRS. For the most part, we're dealing with collection issues, exam issues, fraud issues, and tax-exempt issues. As case advocates, we have to be pretty well-rounded in our knowledge of all the different areas of the IRS, their procedures, and the tax code that pertains to those areas. This is so that we can advocate for taxpayers when they first contact us. Most of the time, they're already frustrated with the system. They've been through the wringer trying to get their problems resolved. They may be facing an immediate hardship that they've encountered, such as being levied upon through their wages or bank account. So, it's a volatile situation. Here, you get to come out being known as the good guy within the IRS, and that in itself is most satisfying about the job. I had to learn and understand tax law and procedural processes that the IRS has, as well as the IRS databases that they have. There's so much potential for advancement with the IRS, but you have to be able to take the initiative. The jobs are not coming to you. You have to want to advance yourself, and the potential is out there.